Earth Embassy in Action

The Embassy is a reclamation of the sovereign indigenous land and represents a united front of world indigenous movements against the destruction of the earth and its peoples.

10358747_10152476778864784_2547342269200016226_n “The Earth Embassy brings the reality of the environment emergency to the parliament and big business district of Melbourne through traditional, beautiful radical and necessary acts of creative resistance.”

10441492_10152476778984784_4820503900196266857_n ”Earth Embassy 2014 was fantastic, amazing people, music, food, a beautiful bubble of what the future can look like” Viv FNL10441330_10152476547464784_2622301856748507534_n From toll ways to fracking, from old growth forest logging to coal mining, from dredging to drilling, the environment is under attack, and the climate is on the brink of cataclysmic change! IMG_8740 Our forces combined, our powers united. No longer will we allow our world to be destroyed in silence. IMG_8727

 Earth Embassy – Defenders of Earth Stand in Solidarity on World Environment Day
Big thanks to all the crew that made this piece of magic prevail, within this fortress of capitalism another world is possible.


West Papuan indigenous activists construct a traditional honai (hut) to bring their demands for environmental justice and human rights in their homeland to Melbourne.


“West Papuan indigenous people have no recourse to the law to defend their lands from multinational companies. As a collective voice and as defenders of the Earth and indigenous custodians of our land, we demand foreign corporations with their national government to STOP plundering the mother earth.’’


Robie Thorpe (FnL) ‘’This country is based on premeditated acts of genocide on aboriginal people and our land.’’


The autonomous space is a hub for all earth defenders to establish a presence on Aboriginal land and bring their issues to the city streets.  10443451_304223346408282_6835501271694335300_nEarth Embassies can be anywhere, at anytime; you have the power to activate a space in which to voice the issues of earth defense, in an autonomous and creative and strategic way. Build your own Earth Embassy!

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About unitedstruggleproject

UNITED STRUGGLE PROJECT Objectives: Record music and make music video clips addressing issues face by displaced people with artists in affected areas, including one collaborative song with a representative from each place Forum for displaced people to express their stories through music and video and documentary making Create networks to unite global struggles Create links with artists globally Target racism against refugees in the broader community Background and Inspirations My main motivation is my love of music and belief in social and environmental justice. Music can be used as a tool for change and education to break down walls, create common ground and unite common struggles. Lake Eyre to West Papua Land and Sea Convoy for Peace and Justice Looking at the ancient ways to find the new beginnings… ‘’We were one people, we still are one people, we must up hold our cultural connection, the old land is calling us.’’ Uncle Kevin Buzzacott Arabuna elder.

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