Wa Canoe Travelling with a Message

Wa Canoe Travelling with a Message : The 1st of May 2018 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Supporters and Free West Papua supporters came in solidarity with Wa Canoe and did a full lap around the Parliament House to remind the Australian government of the Papuan bloods on their hands through their foreign policies in early 60s that have continued to terrorised the livelihood and suppressed the aspirations of the Papuan’s right to self-determination.

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Flotilla West Papua

The Freedom Flotilla to West Papua is an unprecedented event of creative resistance to the Indonesian occupation of West Papua. The initiative of Indigenous Elders of Australia and West Papua builds global solidarity and highlight the abuses of human rights and land rights carried out under the occupations of their lands on an international stage.
Join us in this 30minute video for a 5000km journey by land and sea to reconnect ancient cultures.

West Papua Freedom Flotilla

West Papua Freedom Flotilla – the short version
The Freedom Flotilla to West Papua, a 5000km journey starting in Lake Eyre South Australia. This 10 minute video is a condensed version of a truly epic adventure that highlights issues of indigenous sovereignty and culture and human rights abuses in West Papua. Edit by Izzy and Jeevika

Word from the Mountain Part 2

This is the second part of a 2 part series. This episode talks about Freeport Mines’ poisoning of the land and it’s people. It also includes an interview with Korenus Watori a lecturer on environmental issues at a university in Jayapura who worked for the government to do an environmental impact statement on Freeport’s Grasburg mine.

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Word from the Mountain Part1

On my recent trip to West Papua I had the honor to meet Yosepha Alomang, a long time human rights activist Mama Yosepha who organises resistance to the world’s largest gold mining operation. Despite inhumane confinement and torture, she continues to promote traditional cultures, collective action and the well-being of indigenous peoples.
For over 20 years, Mama Yosepha has organized her community to resist Freeport’s destruction and the government’s complacency. Continue reading

Meeting in Prison

On my second day in Jayapura after meeting some of the key players in the Federal Republic of West Papua’s interim government of which many of its members are exiled or imprisoned, I arranged to meet the political prisoners in Jail in Jayapura, these include the Prime Minister Edison Waromi and President Forkorus Yaboisembut and freedom fighter Filep Karma.

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Interview with freedom fighter Filep Karma in Abepura Prison West Papua

On a recent freedom flotilla reconnaissance mission to West Papua I was blessed to meet a host of staunch Papuans fighting for their independence in a variety of ways. To a background of new year celebrations of fire crackers and feasting on fish and sago, the women and men I interviewed revealed their own experiences under occupation from Indonesia as well as their resolve for freedom.

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