Pogcast Sep14: Freedom Flotilla Messages to Merauke & West Papuans

Messages from the crew of the Pog to the people of West Papua on the return towards Australia. “You have touched our hearts and minds and have inspired us not to give up the fight!” Image by akrockefeller, recorded direct via satellite from the studios of 3CR Community Radio Melbourne. Transcipt below:

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Pogcast Sept10: Demands of the Freedom Flotilla to Indonesian Navy and President

Izzy Brown reads the demands of the Freedom Flotilla to Free the Political Prisoners, and Free West Papua!

1.We demand that President Forkorus Yaboisembut and Prime minister Edison Waromi be released from prison and that all political prisoners be released with out conditions.

2. We demand that the Republic of Indonesia enter into negotiations with the Federated Republic of West Papua with UN as third party presence in these negotiations.

3. The Freedom Flotilla on behalf of a large international community request an immediate fact finding mission to West Papua.